Cosmetic Dentistry in Bethlehem, PA

Porcelain Crowns

Dental crowns are sometimes called caps because they completely cover damaged teeth. Crowns can perform a variety of restorative and cosmetic functions. They can strengthen severely decayed teeth, build up very worn or unusually small teeth, and even cover noticeable aesthetic blemishes, such as internal staining. 

To place a crown, Dr. Tunney will reshape your tooth to make room for the restoration. Thanks to local anesthesia, this process will involve minimal discomfort. Then he will take impressions of your tooth to send to a dental lab. There, skilled technicians will create a crown that fits securely over your tooth and maintains your proper bite alignment. Once it is finished, Dr. Tunney will attach it to your tooth. 

In the past, crowns were made of metal or a mixture of porcelain and metal. But newer all-porcelain restorations will be a stunning match to your smile.

Take Home Whitening

If you have mild to moderate external discoloration, teeth whitening may be a quick and conservative way to enhance your smile. Professional teeth whitening typically takes an hour or less, and you can leave the office with teeth that are several shades whiter. Dr. Tunney or your hygienist will cover your teeth in a whitening gel to chemically break down dental stains. 

At-home whitening has similar results, although they will not be apparent as quickly. Instead, you will wear custom trays over your teeth, which you will fill with whitening gel. Wearing your trays several hours a day, typically for about two weeks, will break down dental stains for a bright, youthful smile. 

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers go on the front of teeth, so they can conceal a range of cosmetic concerns. If you have proportionately small teeth, gaps in your smile, tiny chips or cracks, or dark internal stains, porcelain veneers may be the solution. 

Before placing veneers, Dr. Tunney will prep your teeth by trimming off a very small amount of enamel. This will ensure that your veneers fit flat against your teeth without looking bulky or unnatural. Then he will take impressions so our lab can craft veneers that are a near-perfect fit. In addition to evaluating your tooth shape, Dr. Tunney will also make sure that your final restorations match the shade of your smile. 

Porcelain veneers have a remarkably lifelike sparkle thanks to their slight translucence. This material, paired with Dr. Tunney’s care and expertise, will ensure beautiful results.

Composite Fillings

Dental fillings are typically considered restorative treatments, but our beautiful composite can also improve the look of your smile. Like our crowns and veneers, our composite fillings will match the color of your teeth. 

Whether you have new decay or an old, damaged metal filling, a composite filling can enhance both your dental function and your appearance. 

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are larger than fillings but more conservative than crowns since they maintain more of the tooth structure. If you have a large cavity or damage on a molar, such as a broken tooth cusp, an inlay or onlay may be the solution. Inlays nestle in between the cusps, while onlays sit on top of them. 

The process for creating these restorations is similar to that for dental crowns, but Dr. Tunney will need to remove much less tissue. And, as with our crowns and veneers, the color will be a beautiful, natural match to your teeth.

Enjoy a Bright, Sparkling Smile Today

Do you want a brighter, younger-looking smile? If so, one or more of our cosmetic treatments may be the solution!

Contact New Street Dental in Bethlehem, PA, to schedule your cosmetic evaluation. You can make an appointment online or call us at 610-867-7112.