Partial Dentures in Bethlehem, PA

Porcelain Fixed Bridges

A fixed bridge is the most common way to replace one to four adjacent missing teeth. A bridge is usually made of two crowns that fit over the natural teeth on either side of the gap in your smile. In between these crowns, artificial teeth called pontics replace your missing teeth. 

In order to place a bridge, Dr. Tunney will reshape your teeth to accommodate the dental crowns. As with all of our cosmetic and restorative treatments, local anesthesia means that you should feel almost nothing during the preparation process. Using impressions of your teeth, an experienced dental lab will create your bridge from dental porcelain. This material will match the color of your smile, and its lifelike shade will make it nearly indistinguishable from your teeth.

With proper dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, a porcelain fixed bridge can last a decade or more.

Partial Dentures

If you are missing more than four teeth, a partial denture may be the solution. Partial dentures are made with a gum-colored plastic base, and they sit directly against the gum line. Small clasps connect to the adjacent teeth and help to keep the restoration in place. Denture adhesive adds further stability.

Dr. Tunney will take a series of impressions of your gums and teeth to make sure that your denture fits comfortably and securely. Thanks to modern fabrication techniques and materials, today’s partial dentures look very realistic. Dr. Tunney will work meticulously to ensure that your prosthetic matches the shape and color of your remaining teeth. He will also ensure that your denture maintains the natural force of your bite and proper jaw alignment.

Partial dentures are removable, so you will need to take them out at night and clean them thoroughly. It may take several weeks to adjust to your dentures, but you should soon find that they feel quite comfortable. After this initial period, you will be able to enjoy a full and varied diet.

Caring for dentures is essential. Fortunately, proper care is easy and does not take much more time than caring for your natural teeth. Remove your prosthetic at night and brush it with water and a soft bristled brush. Soak it in a denture cleaning solution, and store it overnight in water. 

When you are missing teeth, your jawbone will eventually start to change shape. This may result in changes to the way your denture fits. That is why you should visit the dentist routinely to have the prosthetic evaluated. Regular adjustments will ensure that your denture continues to fit correctly and that it does not irritate your gums or the inside of your mouth.

Contact Us to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can be embarrassing, and it can have a big impact on your oral function. Contact New Street Dental to learn about our prosthetics and to schedule a restorative consultation. 

Reach our Bethlehem, PA, office online or give us a call today at 610-867-7112.